April 27, 2024

Breathing Problem

Breathing problems describe discomfort when you can’t draw a complete breath. There are several factors that can lead to breathing problems. Some people have trouble breathing when they get cold or have allergies. Others have difficulty breathing due to sinusitis. Breathing problems can be long-term or chronic and cause a host of symptoms such as shallow breathing, labored breathing, wheezing, cough, chest congestion, watery eyes, itchy nose, runny nose, and nasal congestion. If left untreated, breathing problems can make your life miserable.


The sinuses are a connected system of hollow cavities (filled with air) in the skull. They are lined with pink, soft tissue called mucosa and are empty except for a thin layer of mucus. Sinusitis occurs when the soft tissue lining becomes inflamed. Healthy sinuses are hollow; however, when they are blocked and filled with fluid due to inflammation, it can cause an accumulation of germs that ultimately results in infection. Sinusitis needs to be treated at an early stage. If left untreated, it can cause several serious complications including problems with vision and certain neurological disorders in your children.

Deviated Nose

A deviated nasal septum is a condition where the cartilage and bone dividing the nasal cavity goes significantly off-centered, making breathing difficult. In cases, people suffer from deviated septum by birth, and in other cases, it is developed after an injury to the nose. When the deviated nose is severe, it can reduce airflow by blocking one side of your nose, which leads to difficulty in breathing. In some cases, the deviated nasal septum can cause from swelling of the tissues lining the nose. Although treatment for deviated nasal septum is surgery, the nasal obstruction can be treated with medications.

Nasal Polyps

Nasal polyps are painless, fleshy, soft growths on the nose lining or the paranasal sinuses. The nasal polyps hang down like teardrops and are a result of inflammation caused due to certain immune disorders, drug sensitivity, allergies, recurring infection, or asthma. Small growths may not cause symptoms; however, a group of nasal polyps can lead to breathing problems by blocking the nasal passages. Symptoms may include frequent infections, lost sense of smell, and breathing problems. In most cases, medication can help shrink or eliminate growth. However, surgery is required when there is excessive growth.


FESS – Functional Endoscopic Sinusitis Surgery

Functional Endoscopic Sinusitis Surgery or FESS is a type of sinus surgery that improves structural anomalies within the nose that can lead to chronic sinusitis and associated breathing problems. FESS is recommended to patients experiencing painful sinus symptoms. Sinusitis needs to be treated at an early stage through medications and other medical interventions. If delayed, it can lead to FESS.


  • Allergies
  • Respiratory tract infections
  • Medical conditions such as cystic fibrosis
  • Deviated nasal septum
  • Nasal polyps


  • Fatigue
  • Bad breath
  • Fever
  • Congestion or cough
  • Runny nose
  • Stuffed-up nose

If the condition worsens, the symptoms may become severe

  • Recurrent fever, headache, and cough
  • Mouth breathing
  • Severe nose block
  • Nose bleeds
  • Facial pain or pressure
  • Reduced sense of smell
  • Thick, discolored discharge from nose


If it spreads, the complications of the disease may include:

  • Complete or Partial loss of the sense of smell
  • Brain Abscess/Meningitis
  • Diminished or double vision


The treatment options for sinusitis depend on how long the condition persists. In most cases, it can be treated using medications. However, the condition can be uncomfortable, so upon endoscopy tests, the doctor may prescribe over-the-counter medications to relieve the symptoms. If the condition worsens causing structural issues, surgery may require. FESS is a minimally invasive technique where sinus ostia and sinus air cells are opened under direct visualization. It is performed using a small camera called endoscope allowing the surgeons to complete the procedure using detailed image guidance.


  • Fewer complications
  • Less pain
  • Less bleeding
  • Less removal of tissue
  • No external scarring
  • Minimal discomfort
  • Positive, long-lasting results


  • Warm porridge
  • Mashed potato
  • Steamed vegetables
  • Low fat yogurt
  • Warmed up fruits
  • Plenty of water


Septoplasty is the surgical procedure for correcting the disfigured septum. The procedure works to straighten the septum, allowing for improved airflow through the nose. A deviated septum can be caused due to injuries. However, in some cases, people are born with a disfigured septum. Symptoms of deviated septum include facial pain and frequent nosebleeds, and surgery is the only way to correct a deviated septum. A deviated septum may also lead to obstructive sleep apnea. However, a sleep test is performed in order to determine the symptoms of sleep apnea.


  • Injury to the nose
  • A condition present at birth


  • Nose infections
  • Headache
  • Nosebleed
  • Postnasal drip
  • Loud breathing
  • Facial pain
  • Obstruction of one or both nostrils


  • Loss of sense of smell
  • Breathing problem
  • Disturbed sleep – sleep apnea, snoring
  • A feeling of congestion or pressure in your nasal passages


There is no other medical treatment for a deviated septum apart from surgery. Septoplasty is the best possible surgical procedure for treating a deviated septum and sleep apnea. It takes the surgeons anywhere between 30-90 minutes to complete the procedure; however, it depends on the complexity of the condition. It is performed under general anesthesia where the surgeon will make a small incision on one side of the nose to access the septum. Any barriers like extra pieces of cartilage or bone are removed in the procedure to straighten the septum.


  • Improved breathing
  • Improves the quality of life
  • Regain the sense of smell
  • Improves your facial structure


Doctors recommend following a soft diet for the next two weeks post Septoplasty.

  • Milkshakes
  • Puddings
  • Custard
  • Creamed soups
  • Pasta
  • Rice
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Yogurt
  • Ice cream

Turbinate Reduction

Turbinates are responsible for cleansing and humidifying the air passing through the nostrils into the lungs. They are small structures inside the nose surrounded by a mucous membrane and vascular tissue outside. Turbinates can become inflamed and swollen due to infection, irritation, or allergies, causing nasal obstruction and producing an excessive amount of mucus and resulting in obstructive sleep apnea. Turbinate reduction surgery can be done to fix blocked airways and improve breathing.


  • Aging
  • Allergies
  • Infections
  • Chronic irritation or inflammation caused by factors such as temperature and weather changes
  • Hormone changes from pregnancy and thyroid disorders


  • Snoring
  • Runny nose
  • Prolonged nasal congestion
  • Mild facial pain
  • Forehead pressure
  • Dry mouth upon waking up
  • Altered sense of smell


Untreated turbinate can cause symptoms to get worse.

  • Severe difficulty in breathing through the nose
  • Frequent sinus infections
  • Snoring


Medical therapy is the first-line approach towards treating turbinate dysfunction. The ENT specialist starts with a complete nasal diagnosis to find the root cause of the symptoms such as sleep apnea and snoring. Upon diagnosis, several categories of medications will be prescribed to help reduce inflammation. However, when medical interventions aren’t as effective as expected, the ENT specialist moves on to the surgical intervention. Turbinate Reduction is the procedure where the nasal turbinates are inspected and reduced in size for improved nasal flow. Turbinate surgery is performed through the nostrils under general anesthesia. In some cases, turbinate surgery is performed in conjunction with sinus surgery to improve nasal breathing.


  • Improved sense of smell
  • Improved breathing
  • Treats snoring
  • Less painful
  • Less blood loss


  • Warm porridge
  • Mashed potato
  • Steamed vegetables
  • Low fat yogurt
  • Warmed up fruits
  • Plenty of water